One of the seven cooperative principles that was established in the cooperative movement’s infancy was concern for the community.  At the Garden City Co-op, Inc (GCC), we are committed to being responsive, responsible and respected citizens in the communities in which we live and work.  GCC is deeply committed to supporting organizations throughout its service area that help people live more productive, educated, and enriched lives. Our goal is to provide for those in need and assist those who are working to better their communities.
Our giving strategy is designed to support our communities through initiatives that have lasting value, with a priority given to agricultural needs, education, children, and hunger relief in the communities we serve. Nonprofit organizations located within our service area are encouraged to apply.

Giving Guidelines - GCC does not give to political campaigns.  Our giving is driven by a desire to create caring communities where everyone - regardless of economic background, race, religion or orientation - has the opportunity to become all they can be.   

Our Community R.E.A.C.H. Focus

  • Region:  Preserve and increase access to the region’s unique assets 
  • Education:  Support educational endeavors for youth and those pursuing continuing education 
  • Agriculture:  Promote agricultural programs in the community 
  • Children: Improve children’s physical, mental, emotional and overall wellbeing and sense of self by supporting various youth focused programs, including civic service, leadership and sports initiatives.   
  • Hunger Relief:  Support hunger relief initiatives, specifically food insecurity in school children.   


Type of Organization 
GCC supports non-profit and educational institutions with a focus on Agriculture, Youth, Education, and Food Assistance/Hunger Relief.

Registered non-profit
We welcome applications from qualified and registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations.

To be considered for support, organizations must be located within Southwest Kansas.


If you have any donation requests, please submit them using our online form here:
Donations & Sponsorships

A committee comprised of employees from all across our territory will evaluate each request on a case by case basis and get back with you as soon as we can.