The Garden City Co-op believes that to continue moving forward together with our membership, anticipation is key.  We believe in being ahead of the curve so that we’re ready to help you navigate the ag technology complexities when you and your operation are ready for that next step forward.  We believe that we are successful only when you’re successful, which then helps our community to also be successful.  We believe the best way to ensure that happens is to help you be as productive as possible. 

We have staff who are experts in their respective fields, with the knowledge and skills required to help you collect data on your field through soil mapping and sampling, moisture monitoring, variable rate applications as well as other services.  They can then help you extrapolate all collected data, interpret it, learn from it and help you be the most efficient and productive farmer you can be.   

Within our ag technology portfolio, we have a wide array of offerings to cover your needs from pre-season, in-season to post-season.  Contact one of our Ag Tech Specialists today to discuss what options could work best for you.  


Maximizing Yields with Variable Rate Seeding

Mar 07, 2025 | Garden City
Planting season is almost here—are you making the most of your seed? Variable rate seeding helps maximize yield potential and efficiency, so contact our Precision Ag team today to get your fields zone mapped!

Soil Sampling

Jan 31, 2025 | Garden City
Is Your Potassium on Point?  Find out with soil sampling, it's the secret to unlocking your field's full potential. Want powerful results? Start with a soil sample!  

Take Control with Zone Mapping

Dec 20, 2024 | Garden City
Unlock the power of precision with Zone Mapping! By using data like soil type, elevation, and satellite imagery, GCC helps growers manage field variability and maximize input efficiency across every acre.

Fertilizer Rx

Sep 27, 2024 | Garden City
Avoid applying unnecessary nutrients and ensure you get the best fertilizer allocation on your farm utilizing Fert Rx. 


Inside The Co-op: Grain Originators

8/18/2022 8:43:44 PM

What does a grain originator do? What happens to grain once it's stored in an elevator? What's the difference between a basis price and a futures price? What's the difference between and old crop price and a new crop price? In this episode of "Inside the Co-op" we answer those questions by talking to Lindy McMillen, a grain originator here at GCC at our Dighton office. ...

Introducing Alpine Pro

7/6/2021 1:21:41 PM

Weather shouldn't add to your market volatility stress. GCC's Alpine Pro Contract is unique in offering a provision that allows a farmer to be released from the contract in cases of verified crop failure. ...

Camelina Field Day Tours: Triangle H & Schmeeckle Farms

5/13/2021 4:43:20 PM

Mike Karst from Sustainable Oils, GCC staff, and area farmers gathered for a tour of Camelina fields being grown at Triangle H and Schmeeckle Farms. The crop is being grown as a trial, to ultimately be purchased by ExxonMobil as a renewable diesel source. For more information about Camelina visit: https://www.gccoop.com/News/Garden-City-News/New-Grain-Offering-Camelina ...

Molz Cooperative Scholarship NOW AVAILABLE for the 2021- 2022 school year

2/12/2021 4:41:41 PM

Through the generosity of Otis & Mary Lee Molz - the Garden City Community College is offering up to 6 FULL RIDE scholarships to students if you are a Co-op member or employee or an immediate family member of either. To apply, fill out the application here: https://gcccks.edu/tuition_cost/schol... Answer the questions given on a separate word document and send them to: stephanie.janda@gcccks.edu ...


The basis for the FieldReveal™ platform started with the MZB Precision Farming System from Wheat Growers in 1997, and since has been proven effective in eight different states. Today, the partners of FieldReveal™ ensure their agronomists are empowered by local agronomy data to share with growers to participate in decisions about their individual management practices.

FieldReveal is anchored in local data and insights from grower customers to help growers see more within their fields. Additionally, with the backing of national partner, WinField® United, FieldReveal™ is connected to the robust, local data of the team’s Answer Tech platform consisting of more than 300 Answer Plot trial sites both locally and nationally to improve decision making.


Variable-rate seeding is a key component of FieldReveal™. 

Garden City Co-op’s Precision Ag Department explains how FieldReveals’™ variable-rate seeding works and the benefits the program offers. To see how it could work in your field, contact your local agronomist at the Garden City Co-op. 

Call: 620-275-6161


The R7® Tool by WinField® United is an industry-leading decision ag solution that provides unbiased product performance, information and critical field data to help farmers optimize ROI potential.  

The R7® Tool uses satellite imagery and soil maps to reveal variability across a given field.  Then, it uses both local and national Answer Plot® data to show how varieties respond to cropping systems and management factors in similar regions.  

This information can be used to develop a short list of appropriate hybrids and varieties, then produce a personalized strategy to help you optimize yield potential and defend that yield throughout the season.  


Climate FieldView™ is a tool that allows for the seamless collection of data across multiple equipment types, makes, models and systems to be able to collect, store and view field data for all your inputs.  That information is monitored and provides valuable insights at field level or by zone and can help in identifying issues early to take action and protect yield.  

By managing your field variability, Climate Fieldview™ will help your Ag Tech team build customized fertility and seeding plans to help you get the most out of your yield and profit. 


The Garden City Co-op understands we can’t control Mother Nature.  But with soil moisture sensors, we can track where moisture and nutrients are at in the soil moisture profile to allow for the right amount of water at the right time.  

We utilize AquaSpy® technology to help our farmers make real time irrigation decisions to maximize yield.  


As a farmer you’ve got a lot of things on your plate.  Chemical and nutrient application doesn’t have to be one of them.  The Garden City Co-op has a fleet of ground rigs and trained personnel ready to apply their expertise to your farm, including variable rate technology through our ag technology portfolio. 

We also have access to aerial application with preferred partners.

Contact the Garden City Co-op for all your custom application needs by calling:

Lowe Office: 620-277-2230
Dighton Office: 620-397-2437
Plymell Office:  620-271-0773