Apr 15, 2020
UPDATE (5/1): Finney County's local health officer extends Governor Kelly's temporary stay at home order by one week, scheduled to end on May 10th.
Details here: https://www.finneycounty.org/DocumentCenter/View/5911/5-1-2020_Public-Health-Order
Governor Kelly Issued a temporary statewide stay-at-home order in ongoing effort to combat COVID-19 Saturday morning, March 28th. The order goes into effect at 12:01 Monday morning, the 30th and will stay in place, at least until Sunday, April 19th. UPDATE: GOV. KELLY EXTENDS STAY-AT-HOME ORDER UNTIL AT LEAST MAY 3rd.
Under Executive Order 20-16, Kansans are directed to stay home unless performing one of the following essential activities:
- Obtaining food, medicine and other household necessities;
- Going to and from work at a business or organization performing an essential function as identified in the Kansas Essential Function Framework;
- Seeking medical care;
- Caring for children, family members or pets, or caring for a vulnerable person in another location;
- Engaging in an outdoor activity, provided individuals maintain a distance of six feet from one another and abide by the 10-person limitation on gathering size.
Being recognized as an essential infrastructure (documentation can be found on what qualifies here: https://www.cisa.gov/sites/default/files/publications/CISA-Guidance-on-Essential-Critical-Infrastructure-Workers-1-20-508c.pdf), your Garden City Co-op will continue operating and meeting our customers needs to the best of our abilities. However, the way in which we conduct business will be temporarily changing in order to comply with the recommended social distancing procedures to protect our customers, our employees and our communities.
- Our buildings are all now on lockdown. We are operating on skeleton crews, having sent as much of our workforce to work from home as possible. Please continue to do as much business as possible through e-mail or by phone. Our location info can be found here: https://www.gccoop.com/About/Locations
- To pickup any product at any of our locations, we ask that you please remain in your vehicle at all times.
- If we cannot serve you other than by face to face, please call us to schedule an appointment with us and we will do our best to work with you and accomodate you, keeping with social distancing precautions and keeping conversation to business discussion only to minimize contact.